Businessman Kyamundu wants MP Basalirwa out as power struggle eats up JEEMA

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Businessman Kyamundu wants MP Basalirwa out as power struggle eats up JEEMA
Ssentongo Kyamundu

Counting down to 2026 general elections, A power struggle has  hit JEEMA as some senior members gang up against the sitting president Asumani Basalirwa.

The angry members led by party spokesperson Kyamundu Ssentongo want Basalirwa out of party leadership claiming he is giving less time to the growing party.

Kyamundu Ssentongo who is charging to replace Basalirwa claims in the three terms of Basalirwa, the party has failed to produce a presidential candidate.

“We are not where we should be, for all this time we have not produced a presidential candidate, not even the majority in parliament that is why we have come up to ask him out,” Kyamundu said.

Basalirwa gladly responded: “I was the president, Kyamundu was the spokesperson, why didn’t he contest for presidency or why did he contest for parliamentary seat?  If there was a failure, we failed together.”

Asuman Basalirwa rose to the rank in 2011 when he was voted JEEMA president and he has been in charge to date.

The group are bitter Basalirwa has overstayed in office and that it contradicts the party democratic principles.

“He has been there for three for three terms, staying long just like Museveni. We believe we should not allow him to continue,” Ssentongo said.

In response Basalirwa claims he had long before told the angry group he was not coming back to contest for JEEMA presidency.

“Maybe they think I am still interested in the position of president at JEEMA. I assure them again that I am not interested in being party executive,” Basalirwa said.

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